Companies of all shapes and sizes have different needs. One of those needs, especially today, is software. Software requires development. These projects are often incredibly robust, time consuming, require a lot of overhead and may not even have any real value to your business if not done properly. Enter agile software development: a philosophy, or manifesto, to help eliminate many of the pain points of traditional software development.

What Is Agile Development?

Agile software development is far from a new concept. In fact, it’s a methodology nearly 20 years in the making. Based on the Agile Manifesto, agile software development is all about:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Basically, agile, is all about being agile.

Benefits of an Agile Software Development Team

The biggest benefit to a company utilizing an agile software development strategy is the access to a team with a diverse set of capabilities. When hiring a well-versed agile software development team, you won’t be able to come across a problem someone on that team can’t solve. It truly is a one-stop shop for all of your software development needs. More importantly, it’s a team of experts that will get it done right, and the software will work exactly how your key stakeholders need it to work.

Another benefit of an agile strategy is the overall collaboration between everyone involved in the project. The reason you want the software implemented in the first place is because it’s important to your team. It’s going to make your company run more efficiently. It’s important to talk through the software with those individuals that will be using it most. Find out what they need, why they need it and outline how it’s going to work and be implemented on a daily basis. The agile approach truly is collaborative in every phase.

Plan, Implement, Repeat

Technology is constantly changing. New software is constantly being developed. In business, you often adapt or die. Utilizing an agile approach allows you to have access to a dedicated team of individuals with unique skills that collaborate on projects that help businesses grow. Agile allows you to tackle one big project after another by planning, implementing, and repeating the agile process for each project you have.

How Aspirant Can Help

Aspirant's software development team uses Agile extensively. We’ve seen first-hand how an agile approach can benefit businesses of all shapes and sizes. Use the form below to schedule a casual discussion about how we help you do the same.


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